"Single mothers who
trust in God...
are not raising their children alone."
trust in God...
Lynn E. Smith is a master’s level Marriage and Family Therapist with over 25 years of ministry, outreach and advocacy experience within the Greater Los Angeles and Metropolitan Atlanta Area. Lynn holds a Master's degree in the following areas: Human Services- Marriage & Family Therapy and Pastoral Counseling- Addiction & Recovery. She is a certified Parenting Coach and Facilitator through Breakthrough Parenting Inc. Lynn is the Founder and Director of the Love on H.E.R. Project-an organization for single mothers and their children. The organization’s mission is to empower single mothers and their children by providing hope, support and resources that will encourage families to rebuild, become self-sustaining and thrive.
The Love on H.E.R.
It was out of her own personal experience that Lynn was moved and compelled to start an outreach organization for single mothers. Her heart’s desire is to see women move beyond their trauma or life changing events that have contributed to their heartbreak and move them to a place of being healed empowered and restored through education, encouragement, and empowerment.
Find out all about her signature initiative- including media and testimonials from the most recent event. We would also love for you to partner with us by donating.